Saturday 11 October 2014

Scrumptious Crabapple Jelly

I was, until today, a jelly-making virgin. The numerous crabapples in our allotment were begging to be transformed into something delicious. I'd already made a clafoutis last year which was bloody marvellous and so I thought I'd give jelly a go. I'd always been a bit wary of jelly making as I imagined it to be a complex task. I can now confirm that my old notion was far from true. Here is how you go about it.

  • Crabapples
  • Caster Sugar
  • Lemon juice
  • Vanilla pod/ cloves/ cinnamon-optional

The oh-so-simple method!:
  • Prepare the crabapples, cover them with water in a saucepan and cook for about 20-30 mins until completely soft and pulpy. Strain this overnight in a muslin cloth or jelly bag.
  • The next day, weigh the quantity of crabapple and add an equal or slightly greater amount of caster sugar, juice of 1 lemon and cook until the mixture is boiling. Simmer and continue to let the mixture boil while skimming any froth.
  • I added a vanilla pod to this boiling mixture. You could choose not to or perhaps try cloves or a cinnamon bark.
  • Test if its ready to set  using a cold spoon, the same way you would test whilst jam making. It took me about 30 mins for a kilo of crabapples.
  • Strain into jam jars and set in a fridge. It could take up to 24 hours to set although mine only took about 3!
  • Happy jelly-making!
Straining the pulp mixture overnight
Strained juice
Finished product!
Scrumptious Crabapple Jelly
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